மலேசிய அருள்நெறித் திருக்கூட்டம்

Malaysia ArulNeri Thirukkoottam


To impart and promote the study and practice of Hindu Religion in general and Saiva Siddhanta in particular.

To organise religious classes ,conferences, prayer meetings and celebrations of Sacred days.

To train religious teachers and workers and to enable them to teach the masses.

To print and publish and to sell or distribute gratuitously or otherwise Journals,  Periodicals, Books or Leaflets that the Thirukkoottam considers desirable for the Promotion of its objects subject to the Ordinance in force.

To establish , maintain, carry on and assist Schools, Orphanages, Hospitals, Homes for the Invalids and other Educational , Charitable and Relief works .

To Conduct and participate in Bhajans, Bhajan classes and Samaya Kuravars, Santana Kuravars and Adiyar Gurupoojas.